Sunday, April 06, 2008

Quiet Day

Another day at the hospital is coming to an end and Sam is just waking up. The poor guy definitely has his days and nights confused. He has been a quiet angel all day and as the day turns to night he seems to find his lungs. I can't blame him today. He had quite the day, nurses and staff poking on him and even endured his circumcision, which went well and the doc said Sam handled quite well.

Goodness this post was started about 12 hours ago. It's now Sunday morning and we are heading home sometime today. How, we have missed our little girl! Thanks to L&G who brought her up repeatedly to see us. It was always so good to see her smiling face walk through the door. She instantly wanted to see baby brother and give him a kiss on the forehead. She would repeat this multiple times during her visits. I tried to get her to take a walk last night as I had spent entirely too much time looking at the same four walls, but we didn't even round the corner before she said she wanted to go back to baby brother. Goodbyes have been hard on her, and me to be honest. She instantly broke out into tears yesterday when she learned it was time to go. She said she wanted to stay with baby brother. I started to tear up as well, so we shared a big hug and she bravely walked out the door.

As for sleep, we have gotten a few solid hours here and there, mainly because we took advantage of the nursery. While my head knew it was the smart thing to do, my heart didn't. I sobbed as the nurse wheeled Sam away the first night, yet I had asked her to do this. After a brief quality cry and with Mike's comforting words, I quickly found dreamland for four hours before the nurse brought him back for a feeding. While I will miss the great nurses and the resources here at the hospital, I am more than ready to be under one roof as a family.

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