Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Trip to Grandma's House

The "firsts" continue for this family. It started on Friday morning when Sam flashed his first "official" smile. We had seen quite a few partial attempts, but nothing like this wide, toothless beaming smile he gave Ella as she leaned in to greet him. It was so sweet. Now, if only, every greeting they share will be that loving. I can only hope.

The next big first was Sam spent his first overnight at Grandma's house (Ella went as well). Yes, my son is only six weeks and yes, I did agonize for most of the day on whether I was ready or not. My brother's wise words convinced me to do it. He told me to focus on the bonding time. I knew if I was going to be away from my kids, I couldn't spend the night pining for them or dwelling on how much I missed them. I also knew Mike and I could use some time alone and we would enjoy a solid night's sleep or so I thought.

Man, did I ever make the right decision. Oh the laughs, the drinks and the memorable lines from the evening. The best was "I didn't even know she was in there." It would take too much to explain. It was definitely one of those "you had to be there kind of moments." I'm not sure my interpretation or description of the setting would do the moment justice, but I know I laughed so hard that I couldn't breathe. Sadly, it has been too long since I've had one of those knee-slap silly kind of evenings. I even downed two shots courtesy of two different Comers. No clue the last time I did a shot -- maybe my bachelorette party, maybe Vegas? I can't remember. Surely, those had no bearing on my goofiness that night.

With the kids away, you would think we would take advantage of the childless evening and the absence of middle of the night feedings to sleep in. So not the case. My boobs woke me at 4:30. I laid in bed for a half hour debating the merits of pumping before I finally ventured downstairs. Mike decided to entertain me by playing mario cart on the WII (can you say addicted?!). I headed back to bed around 6 am, but Mike opted to keep the WII company. We actually slept less than we do when the kids are in the house. So happy we had that evening. Mike and I really needed it, so thank you to Larry & Glenda for taking care of the kids and giving us a very memorable evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had such a good time with Ella and Sam. Thank you for letting us keep them all night. They were so good for us and I didn't mind at all getting up with Sam. Ella is a lot of help with Sam and is patient with Grandma when she is busy with Sam. You guys deserved a night out with your friends and we are so glad you had a great time. Love, G-pa and G-ma Bowling