Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Week Without the Parents

I am shipping my child away. Okay, that's a bit of an over dramatic statement, but there is some truth to it. On Sunday, if all goes well, we will load Ella up in my mom's car, kiss her goodbye and watch her drive way. I will then spend the next 5 days anxiously awaiting her return, when my oldest brother will chauffeur her from Sioux City to Kansas City.

My hope is to keep the plumbing shut off at least until she is out of sight. While I get choked up the instant I ponder the difficulty of saying goodbye, I know I need to focus on how much fun she is going to have and not how much I will miss her. I don't question if she'll have a good time. I know she will. I also know this is quality time that she and my mom will always treasure. I also know in the grand scheme that five days isn't that long. With Ella gone, it gives Mike and I a break and allows us to focus just on Sam. I know all these things, but I still can't believe I am sending my baby away.

I know it's the right decision as the scenario came together so easily. I learned of Ella's eligibility to take a week of vacation from daycare (Loving that I get a week off from paying!). My mom needed to burn through some vacation time and had no real plans for that time. She scheduled a visit and my brother made plans to come the very next weekend. Not only did we have care for Ella allowing her to take a vacation from day care, but also Ella could make the trip without Mike or I having to do any driving. The planning was the easy part. The real difficultly for me is knowing I am four hours away from my baby if she would need me.

So, please think of me on Sunday and throughout next week. I will survive and Ella will have so much fun that she won't have time to miss me.

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