Saturday, October 04, 2008

Money Pit

Has it really been over a week since I blogged? Goodness, so much life has transpired since last Friday. Where to start?

First, I experienced my first NASCAR race last Sunday. I never had any real desire to go. I never thought you would ever find me at a race. However, I am always up for new adventures. I surprised myself by how much fun I had and by how much junk and alcohol I consumed in one day. (I haven't started drinking that early in the day since maybe Homecoming in college). Let's add sun to the list of items I overindulged. I came home one fried lobster. While I enjoyed the race and the entire atmosphere, what I did enjoy the most was how absolutely giddy Mikey was to have me there. He was so cute all day exclaiming how happy he was that I came along with him. I loved making him that happy.

I'll let Mike blog more about the actual race. Since he may never do that, I'll give a brief synopsis: beautiful weather, tailgating, tasty burgers, lots of beer and junk food, loud and fast cars, no major wrecks but a last-ditch gutsy finish by Mike's favorite driver, the 99 car driven by Carl Edwards who left it all on on the track in his attempt to pass the leader on the final turn. Unfortunately, it did not pay off with first place but did give the crowd a spectacular finish. Enough of my shoddy attempt at a sports recap.

House painting has been the other major adventure for us this past week. Mike and I took a break from our jobs, but trust me it hasn't been much of a vacation. We decided to tackle painting the exterior of our house. Oh vey! It has been so much more of an undertaking that we ever realized it would be. However, I think it certainly is one of those life experiences everyone should have. I know once the house is completely painted, we will see our home not that house we purchased. While we have made great strides to change the interior of the house, this is the first extensive exterior project for the house.

We are taking the house from a dreary, drab grey to an earthy green. This transformation has been significantly slowed down by the massive amounts of wood rot, some unexpected. Yesterday, we made the decision to sacrifice a window which was beyond
saving. Eventually, this project will be completed. Reinforcements are hopefully arriving today. With Mike and his dad being consumed with wood rot repair, I have been the primary worker bee applying paint to the house. If it continues, we may never get this house done. Thinking positively.

Neither Mike or I can say enough about Larry's help. I am sure when we offered his assistance, he did not anticipate driving to this work site for 8 straight days and many weekend days prior to this week. We are definitely at a loss for how to express our appreciation. Mike joking offered to repay him with a third grandchild. Um, that didn't get cleared by me!

I know one way I can help is by ending this post and getting outside for another great day of painting.

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